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Precious Petals Bouquet

Precious Petals Bouquet


Pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, light orange gerberas, and yellow miniature carnations are accented with bupleurum, dusty miller, galax leaves, sword fern, and leatherleaf fern. Delivered with a Crystal Cross keepsake. Approximately 16" W x 13" H

6 each roses, 50cm, light orange
2 stems roses, spray, pink
1 stem lilies, asiatic, white
2 each gerberas, light orange
2 stems carnations, miniature, yellow
1/2 stem bupleurum
1/2 stem dusty miller
2 each galax leaves
2 stems sword fern
1 stem leatherleaf fern
1/2 block floral foam
1 crystal cross keepsake, small, teleflora, 11E400, (7 1/2" h x 4 1/2" w x 1 1/2" d)

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