This cheerful bouquet features yellow roses, white asiatic lilies, white carnations, yellow button spray chrysanthemums, seeded eucalyptus, dusty miller and leatherleaf fern. Delivered in a glass cube. Approximately 15" W x 14 1/2" H 8 each roses, 50cm, yellow2 stems lilies, asiatic, white6 each carnations, white3 stems chrysanthemums, button spray,...
A mix of fresh flowers such as spray roses, daisy and button spray chrysanthemums, Monte Cassino asters and limonium, in shades of white, pink, green, purple and lavender. Delivered in a vase adorned with a matching ribbon. Approximately 14" W x 17" H 3 stems roses, spray, pink3 stems alstroemeria,...
Gorgeous green hydrangea, yellow and light pink roses, pink spray roses and mini gerberas, light yellow carnations and green button spray chrysanthemums are delivered in a pretty gathering vase. Not just any vase, of course, this one's accessorized with a chartreuse taffeta ribbon and pink raffia. Approximately 10" W x...
Pink spray roses and white daisy spray chrysanthemums are delivered in an exclusive pink vase that's wrapped with a polka-dot satin ribbon. Approximately 10" W x 9 1/2" H 3 stems roses, spray, pink3 stems chrysanthemums, daisy spray, white1/2 stem pitta negra1/2 yard #9 single-face satin ribbon, novelty, hot pink,...
- Pink roses
- Berries
- Green hydrangea
- White Orchid blooms
- Drum stick
- Green mum
- Pink Dahlia
- Greens
- 5x5 Clear Case
Bright pink roses and carnations are contrasted with green carnations and button spray chrysanthemums, light pink stock and delicate lavender waxflower -fresh greens include lemon leaves and soft dusty miller. Delivered in a rectangular vase to give it a contemporary look. Approximately 13 1/2" W x 10 1/2" H 2...
Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and white miniature carnations are mixed with bursts of purple statice and green pitta negra. Delivered in a glass Cube. Approximately 12" W x 11 1/2" H 3 each roses, 50cm, crème2 stems roses, spray, crème1 stem lilies, asiatic, white2 stems carnations, miniature, white1/2 stem...
Crème roses, white asiatic lilies and stock stem are incredibly arranged in a bubble vase. When it comes to bouquets, this is definitely the right way to do white. Approximately 14" W x 11 1/2" H 2 each roses, 50cm, crème3 stems lilies, asiatic, white4 each stock, white1 stem dusty...