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This beautiful bouquet includes an array of white blooms including roses, spray roses, oriental lilies, alstroemeria, carnations and stock -all accented with fresh green lemon leaves, variegated pittosporum and ming fern. Delivered in a beautiful golden mercury glass vase to give a glorious presentation. Approximately 14" W x 18 1/2" H
4 each roses, 40cm, white
1 stem roses, spray, white
1 stem lilies, oriental, white
3 stems alstroemeria, white
3 each carnations, white
2 each stock, white
1/2 stem lemon leaf
1/4 stem pittosporum, variegated
1/2 stem ming fern
1 mercury glass royal vase, gold, teleflora, 12R800, (7¾" h x 4½" w; 3½" opening)