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Classically tasteful and elegant, this arrangement of roses, lisianthus, and hydrangeas is a heavenly cloud of white.
Its outward beauty sets The Lily apart. Bashful blush tones mingle with fresh greens and pale pops of ivory, lending the arrangement its distinctive charm. Loaded with lilies that come in a variety of pink tones, this aptly named bouquet is symbolic of abundance, purity, and admiration. What a lovely...
This jewel-toned bouquet includes some of our most coveted flowers (think fluffy mums and crimson safari sunsets). Named after the alluring gemstone with stress-relieving properties, we like to think this enchanting bouquet may have a similar effect. Send this arrangement to your loved ones and they'll be transfixed by this...
A richly textured arrangement full of blush and pink blooms. Light pink orchids and roses are balanced with hot pink ranunculus in a sleek white glass vase.
Camila an ethereal sort of sophistication. It’s evident with a glance at its medley of lilac hues and deep purples, all beautifully balanced by stems of fresh greenery. It’s naturally uplifting and sweet, yet has a certain finesse that makes it the perfect complement to any afternoon gathering or dinner party.
Brimming with sophistication, Ella features a creative array of roses, scabiosa, and astilbe. From the pale and the dark to the light and the rich, it’s the study in contrasts that stands out here. This moody bouquet adds to the elegance of any room.
This imaginative arrangement unites a rainbow of hues, incorporating pops of soft pink, deep red, and pale green to create a swoon-worthy medley that’s sure to stop you in your tracks every time.
Hello Sunshine Bouquet
HELLO SUNSHINE BOUQUET Give a dose of sunshine in bloom. This stunning bouquet is teeming with rays of sunflowers, textured snapdragons and darling daisy poms to deliver the perfect pick–me–up for an occasion or as a treat to yourself. DETAILS The Deluxe Bouquet is approximately 18"H x 18"W. Designed by...
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