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♥ Blossoming Romance
This gorgeous bouquet includes light pink spray roses, white asiatic lilies, lavender stock and lavender waxflower accented with assorted greenery. Delivered in a glass rose vase. Approximately 17 1/2" W x 18" H 3 stems roses, spray, light pink3 stems lilies, asiatic, white7 each stock, lavender1 1/2 stems waxflower, lavender1/2...
♥ Hydrangea Day
- White hydrangea - Pink Hydrangea - Blue Hydrangea - Wonderful Wrapping
Blushing Beauty Bouquet
BLUSHING BEAUTY BOUQUET Our Blushing Beauty Bouquet is the perfect way to compliment your loved ones this sweet season. Who could resist bashfully smiling at the hot pink roses, lavender carnations, and blush pink lilies designed together as a love letter to the brightest flowers nature has to offer. DETAILS...
Purple Light
You're Precious Bouquet
YOU'RE PRECIOUS BOUQUET Blushing shades of pink blooms are nestled in lush greens to charm anyone's day. This bouquet is abundant with a classic assortment of pretty florals – roses, alstroemeria and carnations to name a few. DETAILS The Deluxe Bouquet is approximately 13"H x 14"W. Designed by florists, ready...
♥ 24 x RedRoses w Vase
- 24 x Red Roses  - Wonderful Wrapping - Clear Vase
♥ Lisianthus Special
Lisianthus Special
♥ Ranunculus Day
- white roses - pink roses - light pink roses  - purple roses - ranunculus  - greens - wonderful wrapping
Hello Sunshine Bouquet
HELLO SUNSHINE BOUQUET Give a dose of sunshine in bloom. This stunning bouquet is teeming with rays of sunflowers, textured snapdragons and darling daisy poms to deliver the perfect pick–me–up for an occasion or as a treat to yourself. DETAILS The Deluxe Bouquet is approximately 18"H x 18"W. Designed by...
.Peach Roses .Light Pink Carn .White Altro .Spray Yellow Roses .Greens
♥ 50 x Red roses
- 50 x Red Roses - Wonderful Wrapping
- 24 Purple Tulips - Purple Orchid bloom
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