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Garden Delights

Garden Delights


Bright pink roses and carnations are contrasted with green carnations and button spray chrysanthemums, light pink stock and delicate lavender waxflower -fresh greens include lemon leaves and soft dusty miller. Delivered in a rectangular vase to give it a contemporary look. Approximately 13 1/2" W x 10 1/2" H

2 each roses, 40cm, pink
1 stem roses, spray, hot pink
2 each carnations, green
1 stem carnations, miniature, hot pink
3 each stock, light pink
1 stem chrysanthemums, button spray, green
1/4 stem waxflower, lavender
1/2 stem lemon leaf
1/2 stem dusty miller
1/2 block floral foam
1 rectangular vase

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